Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: May 20, 2016

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” -Bill Watterson. 

It seems suiting that these words come from Bill Watterson, an author/cartoonist best known for his comic strip, “Calvin and Hobbes” (which I absolutely love by the way). These comic strips are light and humorous but are always undercut with a deeper philosophical consideration underneath the surface. I suppose the weekend-with its opportunity for fun and games but also pensive thought and reflection–is also the same in a way!

Since the weekend is all about relaxing and having fun, my Friday posts often have a more relaxed vibe about them. Don’t get me wrong–I don’t see them as pointless but instead as veering off the structure of my blog a bit, just for fun. Just like wandering off the path a little in a new place. They’re not necessarily about writing but more about my favourite roundup of blogs from the week or my favourite books, movies and TV shows–just because 🙂

Here’s a roundup of my favourite blogs from this week:

The Chicago Files : This is a blog about a Canadian expat’s experiences living abroad in the windy city of Chicago. There are some really great photos of Chicago on this blog, especially in the Wordless Wednesdays posts. I’m Canadian as well and have always wanted to visit Chicago, so this gives me a lens into what I see as an intriguing and artsy city.

Vincent Carlos: Vincent is a writer, thinker, runner and reader. He shares his thoughts on the books he reads and discusses very interesting concepts. These are great posts that inspire, inform and educate. I especially like the focus on personal development in regards to reaching your goals, achieving success and making slight shifts in your mindset or approach to accomplish those goals.

Jay Colby: Jay is a son, entrepreneur, life coach and friend and is currently completing his degree. He’s sharing his journey while he impacts and encourages people. His posts are definitely encouraging, impactful and inspiring. I also love the concepts he discusses in his posts as well, especially the most recent one on standards versus expectations. Interesting read; it really made me think about my own standards and expectations!

Have a great weekend everyone!

2 thoughts on “Follow Friday: May 20, 2016”

  1. I’m honored to be one of your favorite blogs for the week! I appreciate that very much, thank you:)

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