Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: May 20, 2016

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” -Bill Watterson. 

It seems suiting that these words come from Bill Watterson, an author/cartoonist best known for his comic strip, “Calvin and Hobbes” (which I absolutely love by the way). These comic strips are light and humorous but are always undercut with a deeper philosophical consideration underneath the surface. I suppose the weekend-with its opportunity for fun and games but also pensive thought and reflection–is also the same in a way!

Continue reading “Follow Friday: May 20, 2016”

Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: March 25, 2016

Happy Friday everyone! As Easter weekend commences for me, I’m getting ready for  get-togethers with family and friends, and hopefully a bit of chocolate too. Even though it’s a fairly busy time, I thought I’d share some of my favourite blogs this week. Continue reading “Follow Friday: March 25, 2016”

Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: Art is Everywhere

This week, I’ve gathered a collection of favourite posts where the content ranges from stories to photo essays to musings. Some people are fiction writers, others are photographers, while others are designers or artists. They all share the common talent of expressing themselves–whether through photographs, fiction pieces or meanderings about their life and day.  This week’s Follow Friday theme is art is everywhere.

Continue reading “Follow Friday: Art is Everywhere”

Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: Springtime Favourites

Spring is just around the corner–March 20th to be exact. While it’s not technically spring yet, I can feel it in the slowly warming temperatures and see it in the delicate pink blooms on my shamrock. This spring, I also have some blogging favourites.

My shamrock plant with its pink blooms
My shamrock plant with its pink blooms

Continue reading “Follow Friday: Springtime Favourites”

Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: Blogs That Provide Perspectives and Advice On Editing

Follow Friday is a weekly series, inspired by the Twitter trend #Follow Friday. Each Friday, I suggest blogs that I follow to my readers. For this week’s “Follow Friday”, the theme is blogs that provide perspectives and advice on editing.  Continue reading “Follow Friday: Blogs That Provide Perspectives and Advice On Editing”