Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: May 20, 2016

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” -Bill Watterson. 

It seems suiting that these words come from Bill Watterson, an author/cartoonist best known for his comic strip, “Calvin and Hobbes” (which I absolutely love by the way). These comic strips are light and humorous but are always undercut with a deeper philosophical consideration underneath the surface. I suppose the weekend-with its opportunity for fun and games but also pensive thought and reflection–is also the same in a way!

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Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites: April 22, 2016

This Friday, I thought I’d share some of my favourite TV shows. These shows have particularly good storylines in my opinion and are great examples of character development, relationships and compelling plot lines.

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Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites: Blogs About the Writing Process

I find it really interesting to learn about the writing process of other writers. I like to see how we’re similar and how we’re different in how we approach the stages of writing, and what little quirks we might share. It’s also helpful to see what kind of strategies people use for productivity and accountability in their writing. So, this Friday Favourites is about bloggers who share their experiences on the writing process.

Continue reading “Friday Favourites: Blogs About the Writing Process”

Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites: Great Short Fiction Reads for Your Weekend

This Friday, I decided to focus on short fiction pieces. I’ve been exposing myself to more short stories and poems because it’s a story format that I really enjoy. I also admire people that master this writing format really well, especially fellow bloggers.

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Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites: Birthday Faves

Lately, my blog updates have been a little sporadic. I’ve been trying to get back into my regular blog schedule for a while now. This week I missed my Wednesday Words of Wisdom update because I was busy celebrating my birthday.

Normally, I feature some of my favourite blogs that I’ve found on my Friday Favourites segment but sometimes I also share some Friday Favourites of my own. These include books, TV shows, movies, etc. Although this blog is about the craft of writing, I like to write about things that inspire me, entertain me and educate me, both as a writer and as a person.

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Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites in the Writing World

NaNoWriMo is fast approaching and I’ve got my mind on finishing some of my works in progress as I prepare for it. Lately I’ve been seeking out some writing advice on various blogs: to prepare for NaNo, to develop well-rounded characters and to create a good writing habit. Here are some of my favourite pieces of advice from writing websites… Continue reading “Friday Favourites in the Writing World”

Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites: The Foodie in Me and Food Blogs

I first heard the word ‘foodie’ from colleagues of mine. Over my time spent with foodies, I came to realize that the term referred to people with an interest in food, particularly great-tasting food. Eating is an experience to be enjoyed and documented, especially in writing. Taste is, after all, one of the five senses.  Continue reading “Friday Favourites: The Foodie in Me and Food Blogs”

Friday Favourites

Follow Friday: Art is Everywhere

This week, I’ve gathered a collection of favourite posts where the content ranges from stories to photo essays to musings. Some people are fiction writers, others are photographers, while others are designers or artists. They all share the common talent of expressing themselves–whether through photographs, fiction pieces or meanderings about their life and day.  This week’s Follow Friday theme is art is everywhere.

Continue reading “Follow Friday: Art is Everywhere”