Writing, writing tips

Monday Minute: 642 Tiny Things To Write About

642 Tiny Things To Write About is a journal that provides you with fun, inspirational and thought-provoking writing prompts. I got this book as a gift from my brother and his girlfriend during Christmas, and I’ve had a lot of fun with it ever since. It’s one more tool in my writing toolbox that helps spark creativity and motivation.

642 Tiny Things To Write About

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Monday Minute: You Know You’re a Writer When…

I’ve seen a lot of funny lists about the habits and traits of writers. Each time I see them, it makes me laugh because I can see some common habit or trait of myself in the list. To have a bit of fun, I decided to compile my own list.  Continue reading “Monday Minute: You Know You’re a Writer When…”

Writing, writing tips

Monday Minute: Creating Inspiration

This past weekend, I was looking at some literary magazines and found one that I really liked. I even ended up buying an issue of it to read the submissions. After mulling over what I might want to submit to them though, I came up empty. Continue reading “Monday Minute: Creating Inspiration”

Book Reviews, Writing

January Summary: The Shining and Writing Goals

I originally said that I’d be doing a Saturday Summary at the end of each month for a book but it took me a little longer than expected to finish The Shining by Stephen King. I did really enjoy it though. Continue reading “January Summary: The Shining and Writing Goals”